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How to invest in US small caps

American small caps (firms with market capitalisations of up to $2 billion, although some would include companies worth as much as $10 billon) have traditionally been seen as the best place for investors seeking high long-term returns. They have outperformed large caps since 2000, says Jan Willem Berghuis of Van Lanschot Kempen. Over the past 15 years, however, the small fry have fallen from favour and are “struggling” to match the performance of their larger counterparts, says Freddy Colquhoun of JM Finn. The good news is that economic headwinds are abating and the end of uncertainty over the election is already providing a short-term boost. And as the frenzy around large-cap tech stocks cools, the depth and breadth of the US small-cap market will make it look particularly attractive in the longer term.

Why have US small caps underperformed?

One reason for the recent poor performance by US small caps is that they tend to be more vulnerable to negative shocks to the economy, such as the rise in inflation. The subsequent rise in interest rates particularly hurt a sector that tends to “borrow more and need more regular refinancing”, as Oren Shiran of the Lazard US Small Cap Equity fund points out. Seventy per cent of small-cap debt is coming due for repayment in the next five years, compared with 45% for large-cap debt, says Shiran, and 40% of the debt that small-cap firms hold is on variable rates, compared with only 5% for large caps.

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